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The "18650" Li-ion battery is the most common cell used in all kinds of electronics, ranging from laptops to power tools and electric cars.
Please note: I do not supply the battery (it is not even allowed to send them by airmail, afaik).
When the viewer is not in use for a longer time the electronic circuits will still draw some little current. It is recommended to remove the battery or set the "input switch" to "o" to prevent the battery from being drained completely and damaged.
The built-in charging circuit has its limitations. It is not indicated whether the battery is already fully charged (the red LED only indicates power in the MicroUSB socket). It is more convenient and probably more gentle to the battery itself to use a dedicated external 18650 battery charger if possible.
Due to the high light output there is a slight risk of overheating - do not leave the viewer ON for an unnecessarily long time at the highest brightness setting. There is a visible aluminium stripe at the bottom of the unit which is intended to convey heat from the LEDs - you can check that this part does not get perceptibly hot.
The viewer can be used with both common types of MF slide mounts - either 140 mm (3D World) or 132 mm wide: an adaptor is provided to centre the latter both horizontally and vertically. Another adaptor can be used for Realist-format slides (101×41 mm, up to 8p wide) if the need arises.
The adaptor for Realist slides should be inserted with its wall facing the back of the viewer to prevent the slide from falling inside