See the World With Two Eyes!


Stereoscopic photography (less accurately "3D photography") has been in existence as a distinctive photographic discipline since the first half of the 19th century. I started to explore this technique in the late 1990's, attracted by its mystery and poetical oblivion.

Despite the current evolution of technologies, there are no satisfying ready-made consumer solutions available. Pursuing stereophotography requires invention, enthusiasm and building your own equipment, as well as awareness of rigorous technical rules. But this is what makes it exciting!

My Interests

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Public screenings of travelogue slide shows
See přednášky and technika for more information, kalendář for current dates (my apologies, Czech only - feel free to contact me for information in English)

Design and fabrication of stereoscopic devices, museum exhibitions and displays
See projects (under construction)

I am active in the Czech Stereoscopy Club and the International Stereoscopic Union